Sunday 5 February 2012

Mattel Ghostbusters Collectables

I recently bought off of Ebay two Matty collector Ghostbuster figures and I must say they are great figures to start off with. However on that note I should probably mention that they certainly are not perfect or in my opinion worth buying direct from Mattel and paying custom charges if you are infact from the United Kingdom or infact anywhere in Europe.
The two figures I bought where Vinz Clortho and Ray Stantz with Subway Ghost.
Lets start with the Vinz Clortho figure. I loved this figure and could not be more excited when I won the bid. The figure it's self looks just like his character from the legendary film but I have one simple complaint which is if you are like most of the hardcore collectors of Ghostbusters merchandise then I know you will not want to remove the figure from the packaging, it is for this reason that complaint number 1 arrives. The figure has two heads, the head on the figure mint in the box is simply just the normal head for "Louis Tully" with his hair slightly more scruffy looking. The other head which is hidden and could not be displayed with the box unopened is from the legendary scene when Egon is running tests on "Vinz Clortho" when he is in possession of Louis. He is seen with a colander type device on his head to show the true terror dog form beneath the surface. This amazing head is not shown on the mint in the box figure which I will admit is a bit of a let down. Another prop this figure comes with is a burnt out Terror dog head which I love, it's a great thing to add to the figure and a brilliant call back to the final scene in the film. The figure also comes holding a glass jar with popcorn. It may sound petty but I will put another bad point out there and that is that the popcorn looks very cheap and slightly de-values this figure for me. However the box art and information is brilliant and up to the usual standards of Mattel.
The other figure I bought was Ray Stantz With Subway ghost. This figure is fantastic in my opinion. I think the outfit is brilliant on ray, his head sculpt is probably the only one of the Ray Stantz line on Mattel that is actually movie like. The Ghost sniffer device is very high quality and the detail to this element of the figure is amazingly accurate. The figure's outfit is also great for the movie enthusiasts as it is the "READY TO BELIEVE YOU" costume from the advert in the film. The accessory to this figure is the subway ghost as seen in the montage after the containment unit is shut down. It is made from a clear blue plastic and is an accurate depicitation of the ghost from the film.  Again with regards as to the packaging the box art is fantastic, with it's giant No ghost logo and of course the two terror dogs on the box art, it really is a worth getting piece. 
Out of the two figures I honestly couldn't choose which as they're both fantastic figures with both positive and negatives. However the only other complaint I have about Mattel's ghostbuster range is they're "rehashes" basically copying a head sculpt for a figure then just simply attaching it to a new body with a different costume. I honestly think this is unacceptable and basically think that Mattel should put more effort into they're figures with detail and quality. A perfect comparison to Mattel in my opinion is NECA. They're figures are always of the highest quality and of detail.

Also keep updated on my blog, I will start blogging more and will soon be posting a link to a fantastic Ghostbusters fan's Youtube channel to represent the "Real Extreme Ghostbusters of Ireland" keep posted. until then I hope you enjoyed my first review and I would love to hear feedback.

Beckie xx

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Ghostbusters Fans

The thing I generally thought when I got my xbox and my copy of Ghostbusters the Video game that all the Ghostbusters fans where fantastic :)
Then I joined a certain website designed for Ghostbusters fans, then my eyes where opened.  The real ghostbusters fans are most certainly online, some of the best people I've met with the franchise are online.  The real LEGIT ghostbuster fans are online, all be it some "Boosters" but the majority of the cool guys are on there, whether it's kicking some ecto plasm in a survival match or even blasting each other in a slime dunk, the online gaming fans are truly the best by far :)Preview
However in saying that the website fans have one specific word to describe them, "TROLLS".  They simply believe that you must have there opinion or else your not a true fan.  They nit pick about every fault with other people who's ideas oppose the "franchise" which in reality can be considered "creative critisism" as they are not mocking the franchise but suggesting ways in which products can be improved.
Rant over!
But anyway the Real online ghostbusters! hats off to you, we most deffinatly  respect  you and salute you!
"We're the best! We're the beautiful! We're the only! Ghostbusters!"

Monday 20 June 2011

The Beginning

Well this is my first blog :)
This is probably going to be a gaming blog mixed up with a film blog about ghostbusters.  whether that be about the video game or the films but I will be certainly talking alot about the amazing creation of Dan Akroyd and Harrold Ramis.